Measuring biological particles in atmospheric carbon
Preliminary research at NCAR suggests that biological particles may contribute significantly to the mass of organic carbon stored in atmospheric aerosols. The study is an important step for scientists.
- Air Quality
Watching for Modoki
While most El Niños tend to inhibit Atlantic hurricanes, the Modoki variety, with its peak warming displaced further west from the Atlantic, appears to leave more room for a bumper crop in at least some years.
- Climate
Tracking air pollution to and from the United States
When it comes to global air pollution, what goes around comes around. Air pollution from factories, traffic, and power plants in Asia wafts over the Pacific Ocean to the United States, while pollutants produced in the United States wind up in Europe.
- Air Quality
UCAR Wins Health Hero Award
UCAR has been honored with a Health Hero Award from the Boulder County Business Report for its array of employee wellness and ergonomics programs.