Scientists use advanced computer modeling to project future urban heat
An advanced new computer modeling technique has enabled scientists to project the potential extent of climate change in the world’s cities.
- Climate
New Sunspot Cycle could be one of the strongest on record
In direct contradiction to the official forecast, a team of scientists led by NCAR predicts that the Sunspot Cycle that started this fall could be one of the strongest since record-keeping began.
- Sun + Space Weather
NSF approves funding for next stage of NCAR’s new solar observatory
NCAR has received funding approval to survey prospective locations for the Coronal Solar Magnetism Observatory (COSMO). This new observatory offers the potential to transform our fundamental understanding of magnetic fields in the Sun’s atmosphere and how they drive the formation of solar eruptions and other space weather that can affect technologies on Earth.
- Sun + Space Weather
Pieternel Levelt chosen to lead NCAR’s Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Lab
Pieternel Levelt has been selected to lead the Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Laboratory (ACOM) at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Levelt currently serves as the head of the R&D Satellite Observations department at The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute while also serving as a professor at Delft University of Technology.
- Air Quality,
- Organization
Past is key to predicting future climate, scientists say
In a review paper published in the journal Science, a group of climate experts makes the case for including paleoclimate data in the development of climate models. Such models are used globally to assess the impacts of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, predict scenarios for future climate and propose strategies for mitigation.
- Climate