Flying through wildfire smoke plumes could improve smoke forecasts
Smoke forecasts may incorrectly predict the amount of particles in staler air.
- Air Quality
Super Science Saturday goes online
All are welcome to this fun and enriching day of learning about science and the atmosphere.
- Education + Outreach
NCAR to enhance data analysis tools with input from broad scientific community
NCAR is inviting scientists worldwide to help further develop two of its premiere geoscience data visualization and analysis software programs: GeoCAT (Geoscience Community Analysis Toolkit) and VAPOR (Visualization and Analysis Platform for Ocean, Atmosphere, and Solar Researchers).
- Data
Credit agencies reaffirm long-term ratings for UCAR
Moody's and S&P both gave UCAR top bond ratings.
- Organization
Five new trustees elected to UCAR board
Consortium adds University of Texas at El Paso.
- Organization