1. A severe storm forms on the Great Plains in 2010

    Facial recognition technique could improve hail forecasts

    The same artificial intelligence technique typically used in facial recognition systems could help improve prediction of hailstorms and their severity.

    • Weather

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  2. Street with houses destroyed or damaged by Hurricane Ike

    Communicating coastal storm risks through a sense of place

    NCAR is leading a new project studying how maps and other visualizations can help communicate forecasts and help residents better understand the risks to their communities.

    • Water,
    • Weather

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  3. NCAR’s new climate model is running hot

    A new study takes a detailed look at possible reasons why the latest version of the flagship climate model based at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) appears to be “running hot,” projecting an even more pronounced warming response to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than previous versions.

    • Climate

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  4. Members of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis at NCAR

    Congressional visit to NCAR focuses on climate research, improving resilience

    A high-profile congressional panel visited NCAR to learn about the latest climate-related research and strengthening U.S. resilience in the face of climate change.

    • Climate,
    • Government Relations

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  5. Credit agencies affirm long-term ratings for UCAR

    Moody's Investor Service and Standard & Poor's Global Ratings have affirmed A2 and A+ long-term bond ratings for UCAR.

    • Organization

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