Investing in climate observations would generate major returns
A major new paper finds that a well-designed climate system would deliver trillions of dollars in benefits.
UCAR Congressional Briefing: Moving research to industry
A panel of experts highlighted federally funded scientific advances that enable the growing weather industry to deliver targeted forecasts to consumers and businesses.
- Government Relations
New climate forecasts for watersheds - and the water sector
Water managers and streamflow forecasters can now access bi-weekly, monthly, and seasonal precipitation and temperature forecasts, broken down by individual watershed.
- Climate,
- Water
AGU, AMS honor NCAR scientists
Three senior scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) have been recognized by professional organizations for their exceptional contributions in the atmospheric and climate sciences.
- Organization
New approach to geoengineering simulations is significant step forward
Using a sophisticated computer model, scientists have demonstrated for the first time that a new research approach to geoengineering could potentially be used to limit Earth’s warming to a specific target while reducing some of the risks and concerns identified in past studies, including uneven cooling of the globe.
- Climate