Space weather warnings could arrive earlier with NCAR coronagraph
A research instrument atop the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii could be used to provide earlier warnings to astronauts when dangerous high-energy particles are blasted out of the Sun's corona.
- Sun + Space Weather
UCAR/NCAR statement on the passing of Matthew J. Parker
The president of the American Meteorological Society advocated for a more diverse and inclusive weather enterprise.
- Weather
UCAR statement on President Trump's first budget proposal
Any significant cuts to science funding in the U.S. budget would threaten our preeminence, undercutting efforts to keep the public safe and our economy and military strong.
New estimate of ocean heat finds more warming
The oceans may be storing 13 percent more heat than previously estimated, according to a new study co-authored by scientists at NCAR.
- Climate
Opening doors to a career in geoscience
Michael Bell, who recently was named an outstanding early-career scientist by former President Obama, gives credit to the mentoring he received at NCAR.
- Education + Outreach