Tag: Modeling
  1. Sunset over Queens, NY.

    Scientists use advanced computer modeling to project future urban heat

    An advanced new computer modeling technique has enabled scientists to project the potential extent of climate change in the world’s cities.

    • Climate

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  2. A depiction of a past warmer climate on Earth

    Past is key to predicting future climate, scientists say

    In a review paper published in the journal Science, a group of climate experts makes the case for including paleoclimate data in the development of climate models. Such models are used globally to assess the impacts of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, predict scenarios for future climate and propose strategies for mitigation.

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  3. Wildfire torching trees

    Predicting wildfire risks

    With wildfires becoming a growing threat, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is supporting a major, university-led initiative to better forecast the destructive events.

    • Air Quality,
    • Climate,
    • Weather

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  4. A stylized example of the EarthGrid

    CSU, NCAR to develop high-res global model for community use

    CSU will collaborate with NCAR to create a high-resolution version of an Earth system model used by scientists around the world. The National Science Foundation will fund the nearly $5 million, five-year “EarthWorks”project.  

    • Climate,
    • Weather

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  5. Greenland iceberg (NASA/Saskia Madlene)

    The Arctic is transitioning into a new climate state

    The fast-warming Arctic has started to transition from a predominantly frozen state into an entirely different climate, according to a comprehensive new study of Arctic conditions.

    • Climate

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