Super Science Saturday promises "Science with a Blast!"
Oct 12, 2010 - by Staff
Oct 12, 2010 - by Staff
News Release
BOULDER—Experience hands-on science and Halloween fun at this year’s Super Science Saturday at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) on Saturday, October 30, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. This free, annual family event will be held at NCAR’s Mesa Lab at 1850 Table Mesa Drive in south Boulder.
This year’s theme is “Science with a Blast!” Throughout the day, NCAR’s “Science Wizards” will explore the principles of exciting science with live demonstrations and hands-on activities. The day also includes interactive fun with the Little Shop of Physics workshop from CSU, weather balloon launches, a cryogenics magic show, face painting, an inflatable two-lane bungee run, the Wild Okapi Marimba Band, and many other fun activities.
(©UCAR, photo by Carlye Calvin. This image is freely available for media use. Please credit the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. For more information on how individuals and organizations may use UCAR images, see Media & nonprofit use*)
“Super Science Saturday is a firm favorite with kids, parents, and teachers in the Boulder-Denver area,” says Laura Allen, an education and outreach specialist from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR), which manages NCAR. “We hope to see lots of kids and families dressed in their Halloween costumes ready to experience the wonders of science.”
Super Science Saturday is designed to promote public science literacy and provide memorable science experiences for families.
Participants include NCAR’s Earth Observing Laboratory, the University of Colorado Science Discovery, Colorado State University’s Little Shop of Physics, Boulder Country Day School, and others. The event is sponsored by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Office of Education and Outreach, Friends of UCAR, and KMGH Channel 7.
NCAR’s Mesa Lab science exhibits, art galleries, and cafeteria (cash only) will be open. Free parking is also available and the Mesa Road will be open.