Power meets efficiency
The nation’s newest computing facility for atmospheric and related science is poised to take the nation’s infrastructure for weather prediction, climate projection, space weather, and other key tasks to the next level.
- Supercomputing
Storms in plane sight
Scientists are analyzing results from a project that pulled together chemists, radar experts, cloud physicists, forecasters, pilots, and other specialists to investigate the evolution of thunderstorms.
- Air Quality
Understanding the weather: An investment that pays off
The United States faces more varied weather risks than most nations on Earth, but we also have uniquely strong capabilities to confront these risks, thanks to decades of research conducted by government agencies, universities, and the private weather industry.
- Weather
Now you see El Niño, now you don’t
In recent months there’ve been hints of an El Niño on the horizon that might help quench the ongoing U.S. drought. But those hints might turn out to be as meaningless as a mirage on a parched highway.
- Climate
New direction for GLOBE
A nationally recognized innovator in teacher training and science education has been chosen as the new director of the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program, which is headquartered at UCAR.
- Education + Outreach