Getting the drop on storms
A small, sophisticated instrument package developed at NCAR and dropped from aircraft has led to notable improvements in hurricane prediction. Now these devices are poised to deliver more data than ever, thanks to a new design and a remotely piloted NASA aircraft.
- Weather
The Bering Strait comes of age
With a series of papers over the last few years, NCAR's Aixue Hu has been slowly unraveling the story of the Bering Strait and its complex impact on our planet's climate.
- Climate
Students get a forecaster's view
University students and faculty soon will have the chance to peer at day-to-day weather through the same lens used by National Weather Service meteorologists. A new version of the NWS’s workhorse graphics software will reach campuses through UCAR’s Unidata program.
- Education + Outreach,
- Sun + Space Weather,
- Weather
Don't forget the data
The rapid growth in science journals has produced an avalanche of literature that keeps researchers scrambling to keep up. Underneath, there’s an even larger buildup of supporting data. Experts met at UCAR to consider best practices for citing this ever-growing pool of data.
- Data
Flood, drought, heat, and cities
The atmosphere has dealt Houston more than a few wild cards over the last few years, including two devastating tropical cyclones and unprecedented drought. While dealing with such weather threats, the nation's fourth largest city is also taking steps to tackle longer-term climate change.
- Climate