1. UCAR Magazine

    Can scientists predict a wildfire’s spread?

    A new computer simulation of a deadly, fast-spreading 2006 wildfire in California shows how far researchers have come in their quest to better understand fire dynamics.

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  2. Plants play larger role than thought in cleaning up air pollution

    Deciduous plants absorb about a third more of a common class of air polluting chemicals than previously realized.

    • Air Quality

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  3. Map showing projected drought risk for Africa and Europe, 2090-2099

    Climate change: Drought may threaten much of globe within decades

    The threat of drought is expected to increase throughout the century, potentially affecting many heavily populated regions.

    • Climate

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  4. Using satellites to keep planes safe from lightning

    A team of NCAR scientists is studying how advanced satellite technology that measures lightning could help protect aircraft from turbulence caused by severe weather.

    • Weather

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  5. President Obama shakes hands with Warren Washington

    Warren Washington receives National Medal of Science

    President Obama today named Warren Washington, a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), as one of 10 eminent researchers to be awarded the National Medal of Science, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on scientists, engineers, and inventors.

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