New Warren Washington medal to be awarded by AMS
The American Meteorological Society has created a new national award in honor of NCAR senior scientist Warren Washington, a pioneer in the development of computer models of Earth's climate.
- Climate
Scientists demonstrate that cloud seeding can generate snowfall
Scientists have successfully used a combination of radars and snow gauges to measure the impact of cloud seeding on snowfall. The new research addresses decades of speculation about the effectiveness of artificial methods to increase precipitation, demonstrating unambiguously that cloud seeding can boost snowfall across a wide area if the atmospheric conditions are favorable.
- Water,
- Weather
Officials break ground on NCAR research aviation facility
Construction starts this month on a major NCAR facility, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), that will support aircraft flown on scientific field projects worldwide, leading to new advances in weather, climate, and air quality research.
- Organization
Washington Update: February 3, 2020
Updates on the implementation of FY20 appropriations and FY21 budget requests, proposed legislation to double basic research funding, and changes to the NASA authorization bill
- Government Relations
Irrigation alleviates hot extremes driven by human-caused climate change
New research finds that irrigation can cancel out, or even reverse, the increased risk of heat extremes associated with human-caused climate change.
- Climate