UCAR statement on nomination of Walter Copan to head NIST
Walter Copan, president and CEO of Intellectual Property Engineering Group, is an expert in technology transfer and intellectual property.
- Government Relations
UCAR statement on nomination of Rep. Jim Bridenstine to lead NASA
UCAR looks forward to hearing about Bridenstine's plans for NASA, including his support of Earth observations and research.
- Government Relations
UCAR statement on nomination of Timothy Gallaudet
UCAR congratulations Rear Admiral Timothy Gallaudet on his nomination to assistant secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere.
- Government Relations
NCAR|UCAR hurricane experts available to explain storm behavior, potential impacts
The scientists are observing the potentially deadly storm and testing high-resolution computer models.
- Weather
Dino-killing asteroid could have thrust Earth into two years of darkness
Tremendous amounts of soot, lofted into the air from global wildfires following a massive asteroid strike 66 million years ago, would have plunged Earth into darkness for nearly two years, new research finds.