Eclipse science, then and now
Scientists are eager to capture images of this year's eclipse — but that's nothing new. Researchers have been poring over images of total solar eclipses practically since there were images available to pore over.
Nationally recognized internship program to reach more students than ever
SOARS is working with alumni at universities to develop year-round satellite programs that will help additional undergraduates.
Eclipse science along the path of totality
Leading U.S. solar scientists highlight research activities that will take place across the country during next month's rare solar eclipse.
- Sun + Space Weather
NCAR to take rare infrared measurements during solar eclipse
NCAR scientists plan to use the total eclipse on Aug. 21 to comprehensively measure, for the first time, the infrared radiation streaming out from the Sun's corona.
- Sun + Space Weather
Michael Farrar joins UCAR leadership
In this newly created role, he will be responsible for strengthening the organization's efforts in research, education, innovation, and outreach.