1. Boosting diversity in Earth system science

    The SOARS program has been boosting diversity in Earth system science for two decades.

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  2. Image of Antarctic sea ice in 2014

    Expanding Antarctic sea ice linked to natural variability

    The recent trend of increasing Antarctic sea ice extent — seemingly at odds with climate model projections — can largely be explained by a natural climate fluctuation.

    • Climate

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  3. The snow accumulation forecast made by two ensemble members for a January storm

    NCAR weather ensemble offers glimpse at forecasting's future

    NCAR's ensemble forecasting system has become a favorite among professional weather forecasters and atmospheric researchers.

    • Weather

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  4. An image of the Antarctic ozone hole in October 2015

    Scientists observe first signs of healing in the Antarctic ozone layer

    A team of researchers, including NCAR scientists, has identified the “first fingerprints of healing” of the Antarctic ozone layer.

    • Air Quality

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  5. Capping at 2 degrees: photo of entrance to COP21, Paris climate conference

    Capping warming at 2 degrees

    A new study finds that, even if all the countries follow through on their Paris Agreement commitments, steeper emissions cuts would be necessary after 2030 to stay below 2 degrees of warming.

    • Climate

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