1. An artist's rendering of the COSMIC satellites in space

    COSMIC turns 10: Microsatellites reveal atmospheric properties in 3D

    A constellation of six small satellites has made outsized contributions to our ability to forecast severe weather events, track climate change, and understand space weather.

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  2. image captured from AMPS Antarctic weather model

    NCAR weather modeling system aids Antarctic rescue effort

    The Antarctic-tuned system was used to get a specialized forecast for the LC-130 ski plane sent to rescue more than 30 people stranded at an Australian research station.

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  3. Map shows heat wave across U.S.,  late August 2013

    Searing heat waves detailed in study of future climate

    Sweltering heat waves that typically strike once every 20 years could become yearly events across 60 percent of Earth's land surface by 2075.

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  4. Climate: Map showing 2015 was warmest year on record

    Just a half degree of separation

    The planet is effectively three-quarters of the way to the limit set by world leaders of 2 degrees Celsius of warming.

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  5. Southwest drought: A dry lake bed in Colorado

    Southwest dries as wet weather systems become more rare

    The weather patterns that typically bring moisture to the southwestern United States are becoming more rare, an indication that the region is sliding into a drier climate state.

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