1. Biomass burning off the wing of a NASA aircraft.

    Northern tropical Africa not the significant carbon source satellite data suggests

    The forests and grasslands of northern tropical Africa take in about as much carbon dioxide in the wet season as they release in the dry season, according to a new study based on observations from aircraft. The findings contradict earlier research that relied on satellite data and found that these ecosystems may be adding significantly more carbon to the atmosphere than they absorb over the course of a year.

    • Air Quality,
    • Climate

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  2. NASA image of jet stream winds over Earth

    Jet stream winds will accelerate with warming climate

    Fast jet stream winds will accelerate by mid century as the planet warms.

    • Climate

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  3. NCAR to study complex ties between new transportation technologies and climate

    NCAR has been awarded NSF funding to research links between new road transportation technologies and the changing climate.

    • Climate,
    • Weather

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  4. CONUS404 monthly precipitation climatology from 1986-2020

    Scientists gain powerful tool to scrutinize changing U.S. weather patterns

    An extraordinary new dataset of high-resolution weather simulations that span more than four decades over the continental United States is now available to the Earth system science community.

    • Climate,
    • Weather

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  5. Fire crews fight California wildfire

    Simultaneous large wildfires will increase in Western U.S.

    Simultaneous outbreaks of large wildfires will become more frequent in the West, putting major strains on efforts to fight the blazes.

    • Climate

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