1. Is La Niña waiting in the wings?

    The difference between El Niño and La Niña can be a huge one for U.S. weather and for global climate. A strong El Niño can nudge global temperatures upward for up to a year.

    • Air Quality

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  2. Study finds southern Europe, Mediterranean at risk for heat wave health risks

    A study led by NCAR visiting scientist Erich Fischer analyzes regional climate simulations to project where heat-wave-related health risks will increase in Europe as Earth’s climate warms.

    • Climate

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  3. Western kingbird

    Kingbirds catch flies in Coors Field—and without mitts

    An evening baseball game brings a lesson on how temperature affects insects, and thus the behavior of insect-catching birds—in this case, a pair of western kingbirds.

    • Education + Outreach

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  4. Atlantic sea-surface temperatures, May 2010

    Active summer ahead for hurricanes—and researchers

    The year 2010 brought a difficult and sometimes tragic few months of weather events—first the snowstorms and record cold that battered much of the Northern Hemisphere, then tornadoes and floods in the United States.

    • Weather

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  5. AMS and UCAR urge U.Va. to support climate scientist, defend academic freedom

    Their letter to the president of the University of Virginia supports a statement by the university's faculty and questions the Virginia attorney general's use of governmental authority.

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