NCAR’s next-gen airborne radar will have unmatched ability to peer deep inside storms
A next-generation airborne radar designed by NCAR that could revolutionize our ability to observe, understand, and ultimately predict high-impact weather events has received $91.8 million in funding from NSF.
- Weather
UCAR congratulates new WMO secretary-general
Celeste Saulo, director of the National Meteorological Service of Argentina, will take office as the new secretary-general of the World Meteorological Organization on January 1, 2024.
- Organization
NCAR develops advanced solar energy forecasting system
NCAR has successfully developed an advanced solar energy forecasting system for New York that offers the potential to help the state achieve its renewable energy goals while saving millions of dollars for ratepayers.
- Weather
Jon Petch named director of NCAR’s Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
Jon Petch, the deputy director in the UK Met Office responsible for weather science, has been named director of the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD) at NCAR.
- Climate,
- Organization
High-res Western drought forecasts could be on horizon
A new computer modeling technique developed by NCAR scientists offers the potential to generate months-ahead summertime drought forecasts across the Western United States with the capability of differentiating between dry conditions at locations just a couple of miles apart.
- Climate,
- Water