A heads up on air quality
NCAR and its research partners have received a $1.3 million NASA grant to develop the capability for detailed 48-hour forecasts of ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter.
- Air Quality
Uncovering the impacts of atmospheric waves
A range of observing and modeling tools is helping researchers at NCAR and elsewhere discern previously unmapped links between weather events in various layers of the atmosphere, with implications for aviation, GPS, and other technology society relies on.
- Sun + Space Weather
Nor’easter on the radar
Scientists flew the new HIAPER Cloud Radar above a major northeast snowstorm, obtaining critical data on its structure and dynamics.
- Weather
Cold facts of air pollution
A major field project in the Eastern United States, supported by NCAR, seeks to better understand air pollution during winter.
- Air Quality
Snowfall measurement: a flaky history
Many storms from the 1980s or earlier would probably appear in the record as bigger storms if the observers had used currently accepted methodology.
- Weather