1. Science diplomacy: Group photo of meeting at Hong Kong Meteorological Society

    Meteorology across the Taiwan Strait

    A recent conference marked the 25th anniversary of a crucial international meeting, organized with support from UCAR, that brought together atmospheric sciences from Taiwan and mainland China for the first time in decades.

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  2. UCAR renews agreement with NSF to manage NCAR: Photo of NCAR Mesa Lab

    UCAR renews agreement to manage NCAR

    UCAR has signed an agreement with NSF to renew its management of NCAR for five years

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  3. Midwest cold wave: Ice fog in frigid air produces sun dogs

    Cold but brief

    Last week’s Arctic outbreak brought some of the coldest air in decades across the U.S. Midwest and South. But interestingly, it didn’t last as long as historic cold waves of the late 20th century.

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  4. Drought puts California water supply at risk: Photo of Lake Mead, Nevada/Arizona

    California dryin’

    In parts of California and Oregon, 2013 was the driest calendar year on record, with no sign of relief on the horizon. NCAR scientists are examining how water and energy use intersect across this drought-prone region and how the nexus could evolve in a future climate.

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  5. Warming hiatus? Map showing changes in global temperature since late 1970s

    Inside the warming hiatus

    The globally averaged surface air temperature hasn’t risen much in the last 15 years, but new research confirms ample heating of Earth, which becomes evident when looking at certain times of year and in particular locations, including deep in the ocean.

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