1. UCAR Magazine

    Forecasting to fight meningitis

    Specially developed forecasts aim to help public health officials in Africa coordinate an international immunization program against meningitis, an often deadly disease associated with dry, dusty weather patterns.

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  2. UCAR Magazine

    Keeping aircraft safe from ice

    Taking aim at a sometimes deadly aviation hazard, NCAR has developed high-precision maps to warn pilots away from clouds harboring the potential to ice up their wings

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  3. Nuclear power plants in Japan, 2011

    Modeling nuclear radiation

    After an earthquake and tsunami damaged the Daiichi nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, on March 11, 2011, an unknown quantity of radioactive material was released into the surrounding air and sea.

    • Air Quality

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  4. Tallgrass struggles against drought in this file photo from eastern Colorado.

    Rocky Mountain dry

    March is normally the snowiest month of the year across parts of the central Rockies, but March 2012 left much of Colorado snowless and nervous.

    • Climate

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  5. Climate variation, change, or both?

    Burning fossil fuels has led to a warmer, moister atmosphere and a shifting background for extreme weather and climate events, according to a study that analyzes noteworthy weather events from the last two years.

    • Climate

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