1. UCAR Magazine

    From supercomputers to village healers: Health research takes scientists far afield

    Andrew Monaghan used to spend his time analyzing mathematical models of climate change in Antarctica. Now the NCAR scientist sits down with traditional healers in remote villages in Uganda.

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  2. UCAR Magazine

    Recipe for calamity: The ingredients of a horrific tornado outbreak

    How could a tornado outbreak kill more than 200 people? Several factors—meteorological, geographical, and sociological—came together in a rare and deadly way.

    • Weather

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  3. Ozone recovery and greenhouse gases in the Southern Hemisphere

    A new study looks at how the anticipated recovery of the ozone hole over Antarctica and simultaneous increase in greenhouse gas concentrations will combine to affect weather and climate in the Southern Hemisphere.

    • Climate,
    • Air Quality

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  4. Map of upper Midwest with dark blue areas of potentially severe icing

    Aviation safety: New computer tool forecasts icing hazards

    FIP-Severity provides 12-hour icing forecasts to pilots and forecasters on the likelihood of encountering dangerous in-flight icing conditions.

    • Weather

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