UCAR collaboration with The Weather Company to improve weather forecasts worldwide
The partnership will leverage the innovative MPAS software platform to advance the accuracy of forecasts with longer lead times.
- Weather
Offshore wind turbines vulnerable to Category 5 hurricane gusts
Offshore wind turbines built to current standards may not be able to withstand the powerful gusts of a Category 5 hurricane.
- Weather
Shaping a career in a week
New research shows the Undergraduate Leadership Workshop can help students find their way into an atmospheric science career.
- Education + Outreach
UCAR statement on U.S. withdrawal from Paris climate agreement
With new uncertainties about greenhouse gas emissions, research is more vital than ever.
- Climate
UCAR statement on President Trump's budget proposal
The proposed funding cuts to scientific research and development in the federal budget would weaken efforts to protect lives and property and keep the nation's economy and military strong.
- Government Relations