Regional Climate Change in the United States - Experts Fact Sheet
Several of the nation’s top experts on regional change will participate in the December 15 oral session (PA12A) and poster session (PA13C) on this topic during the 2008 AGU Meeting in San Francisco, California.
Media Advisory: Adapting to U.S. Climate Change
Researchers are working toward predictions of climate change impacts in specific regions and even metropolitan areas. But are local and regional decision makers taking advantage of this science to begin to prepare for the impacts of global warming?
- Climate
Modeling turbulence far from storms
Several red-eye commercial flights were rocked by moderate to severe turbulence as they flew across northeast Kansas early on June 17, 2005. A new study by NCAR scientists Stan Trier and Bob Sharman uses modeling to connect storms in Oklahoma with the Kansas turbulence.
- Weather
Amenaza del cambio de clima: Los países en vías de desarrollo carecen de medios para adquirir tecnologías más eficientes.
En las próximas décadas serán pocos los países en vías de desarrollo que podrán producir tecnologías más eficientes para reducir emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, concluye nueva investigación.
- Climate
Climate change threat: Developing countries lack means to acquire more efficient technologies
Contrary to earlier projections, few developing countries will be able to afford more efficient technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the next few decades, new research concludes.
- Climate