UCAR, India join forces on weather technology and prediction
U.S. atmospheric researchers and counterparts at the India Ministry of Earth Sciences will collaborate to advance weather forecasting and technology under a new agreement.
- Weather
High-end weather modeling, hour by hour
Founded on an NCAR-based research model, the new High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model will transform how the National Weather Service predicts short-range weather threats.
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A new way to forecast floods
Almost a year after Colorado’s deadly and destructive floods of September 2013, a group of NCAR scientists has just completed testing an innovative new system for detecting and predicting torrential rainfall as well as the risk of local flooding.
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Using GPS to improve tropical cyclone forecasts
A case study indicates that the COSMIC microsatellite system can significantly improve predictions of tropical cyclones by using GPS radio occultation to observe remote regions of the atmosphere.
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Nature's roadblock to hurricane prediction
Scientists have found that internal variability can make one season twice as active as another, even when large-scale hurricane-shaping elements are unchanged. The research suggests that seasonal hurricane forecasts could be improved by conveying the amount of unavoidable uncertainty in the outlook.
- Weather