Advanced computer model focuses on Hurricane Matthew
As Hurricane Matthew churns toward the southeastern U.S. coast, NCAR scientists study how well MPAS can predict it.
- Weather
UCAR president to be inducted into National Academy of Engineering
Antonio "Tony" J. Busalacchi, UCAR president, will be inducted next week into the National Academy of Engineering during a ceremony in Washington, D.C.
40 Earths: NCAR's Large Ensemble reveals staggering climate variability
The CESM Large Ensemble reveals a staggering range of Earth climates that could have been along with a rich look at future climates that could potentially be.
- Climate
Food security report wins USDA award
The international report detailed potential climate impacts on global food security.
- Climate
Atmospheric rivers come into focus with high-res climate model
A high-resolution climate model based at NCAR is accurately capturing the ribbons of moist air that sometimes flow out of the tropics toward the drier mid-latitudes, allowing scientists to investigate how the Pineapple Express and similar weather-maker patterns may change as the climate warms.
- Climate