Tag: Observing
  1. An artist's rendering of a COSMIC-2 satellite.

    UCAR licensing agreement with AER will boost use of GNSS satellite data

    UCAR, building on its commitment to improve weather forecasting, will license a satellite data processing system to Atmospheric and Environmental, Inc.

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  2. Rendering of the new RAF building

    Officials break ground on NCAR research aviation facility

    Construction starts this month on a major NCAR facility, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), that will support aircraft flown on scientific field projects worldwide, leading to new advances in weather, climate, and air quality research.

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  3. Irrigation of agricultural fields in California.

    Irrigation alleviates hot extremes driven by human-caused climate change

    New research finds that irrigation can cancel out, or even reverse, the increased risk of heat extremes associated with human-caused climate change.

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  4. An artist's rendering of a COSMIC-2 satellite.

    Newly released satellite data poised to significantly improve weather forecasts

    As UCAR releases the first data from the newly launched COSMIC-2 satellite system, meteorologists are finding evidence that the detailed observations of the atmosphere will significantly improve short-term weather forecasts.

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  5. Satellite image of Hurricane Michael approaching Florida

    A new frontier in hurricane observations

    A new type of disposable drone will enable scientists to collect detailed observations of intense hurricane winds that blast just above the ocean surface near the eyewall.

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