1. Hurricanes development: satellite image of Tropical Storm Karl in 2010

    A cool setting for hurricane births

    Research may shed light on why some clusters of thunderstorms spin up into tropical storms while others dissipate.

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  2. Sea surface temperatures on Aug. 3 in 1997 and 2015

    Watch 2015 and 1997 El Niños build, side by side

    The El Niño brewing in the tropical Pacific is on track to become one of the strongest such events in recorded history and may even warm its way past the historic 1997-98 El Niño.

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  3. UCAR trustee Antonio Busalacchi

    UCAR trustee Busalacchi to co-chair decadal survey for Earth observations

    An oceanographer and climate expert, Busalacchi will provide guidance for bolstering Earth observations with a new generation of U.S. satellites.

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  4. 4-panel image compares radar and computer model data

    NCAR "STEPs" up rain, flood research

    Scientists are running several computer models simultaneously to provide more accurate short-term forecasts of heavy rainfall, flash floods.

    • Data,
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  5. Sunspot simulations

    NCAR’s solar lab to celebrate 75th anniversary

    HAO's anniversary, which will feature a series of public events, celebrates the emergence of Boulder as a hub of solar science.

    • Sun + Space Weather

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