Global sea level rise dampened by Australia floods
A rare confluence of three atmospheric patterns drove so much precipitation over Australia in 2010 and 2011 that the world’s ocean levels dropped measurably.
- Climate
Getting the models dirty
Scientists are zeroing in on microbes that eat carbon in the soil and release it back to the atmosphere, thereby influencing global climate.
- Climate
Seasonal fluctuations of CO2 on the rise
Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are fluctuating more than they used to from one season to another, according to observations from the HIPPO field project. This may be a sign of significant changes in northern ecosystems.
- Climate
NCAR scientists receive major honors
Two NCAR senior scientists are being recognized by the American Geophysical Union for their work on research and communication.
New director of NCAR announced
James Hurrell, an associate director and senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, has been named the center’s new director.