Tying the Sun together
To get at driving forces deep within the Sun, new models aim to unify the Sun’s dynamo and the emergence of magnetic flux—two areas that are challenging to model individually, let alone together.
- Sun + Space Weather
What's happening with methane?
Atmospheric carbon dioxide has been increasing fairly steadily for decades, but methane has accumulated at a more erratic pace. The increase virtually stalled for much of the last decade before resuming after 2007.
- Climate,
- Air Quality
PACUR: Working for UCAR members
The President’s Advisory Committee on University Relations is a mechanism for UCAR members to raise important community issues.
- Education + Outreach
Torrents and droughts and twisters - oh my!
Not all kinds of extreme weather have the same relationship with our atmosphere's increasing burden of greenhouse gas. Here's a summary of what scientists already know and what they're working to nail down.
- Climate
Taking the heat: A weathercaster’s view
How one weathercaster puts the weather report into a climate context.
- Climate