1. UCAR to support EarthCube: Computer simulation of Hurricane Sandy

    UCAR to support EarthCube: Cyberinfrastructure will advance science

    The NSF initiative will foster collaborations among geoscientists by creating a common infrastructure for researchers to collect, access, analyze, share, and visualize all forms of data and related resources.

    • Data

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  2. Population and future fire: photo of fire burning across a grassland

    Population trumps climate and carbon in shaping the future of wildfires

    The future pattern of population growth, not climate change, is likely to be the dominant factor in determining whether the amount of land burned by fires increases or decreases globally this century.

    • Climate

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  3. ECEP hurricane damage index: Satellite imagery of Hurricane Ivan

    Sizing up cyclones

    NCAR scientists have developed a new index for quantifying a hurricane's ability to cause destruction.

    • Weather

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  4. Scientists visualize tornado's winds: still image from animation shows vortices as tubelike structures

    A 3D window into a tornado

    Scientists use advanced software to visualize details of the powerful storms.

    • Weather

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  5. Pollution blows across the Korean Peninsula

    Planes, ships and satellites: Investigating air quality in Korea

    NCAR scientists are on the ground in South Korea as part of a field campaign to investigate the region's air quality.

    • Air Quality

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