Spring snow goes downhill
In recent years, spring snow has vanished even more quickly than computer models and climate scientists had expected, posing a research challenge and a potentially serious risk for water supplies.
- Climate
UCAR statement on the White House climate data initiative
The Climate Data Initiative announced by President Obama will enable new industries to use climate data to enhance long-range decisions and planning.
El Niño or La Nada?
Why seasonal forecasting can’t tell us with certainty what to expect this summer—and why we might soon have a stronger sense of what late 2014 and early 2015 are likely to bring to large parts of the globe.
- Climate,
- Weather
Stronger trade winds stall climate change
Increased Pacific winds are sending excess heat into the deep ocean and likely playing a role in the current hiatus in global warming.
- Climate
It was so cold! (How cold was it?)
How does the U.S. winter of 2013–14 rank against its predecessors? And was it a harbinger of more cold winters to come for parts of the country, or simply an outlier at a time of largely warming winters?
- Climate,
- Weather