Statistics software for the geosciences
NCAR researchers are increasingly adopting an innovative tool for statistical computing and graphics. Called R, this community software project is the statistics equivalent of the LINUX movement.
- Air Quality
A new index for measuring climate change
A group of scientists has put forth a new tool that combines four distinct measures of climate change into a single number—and the trend is clearly in one direction.
One global agreement hits the streets
There was a palpable sense of history in the making across Europe as some 15,000 expected participants in the Copenhagen climate conference began to converge upon the Continent.
- Climate
UCAR statement on hacking of University of East Anglia climate correspondence and files
UCAR is concerned that emails and data, including personal information about individuals, have been hacked from the University of East Anglia. The selective publication of some stolen emails and other papers taken out of context is not a responsible way to engage on the issue of climate change.
Snow depth and density revisited
Margaret "Peggy" LeMone takes another stab at the challenge of showing that snow depth decreases at least in part because the snow “settles” and increases in density.
- Education + Outreach