1. Modeling the atmosphere at video game speed

    NCAR researchers are looking at how new generations of super-fast Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) and multicore chips, such as the Cell Broadband Engine, can be used in atmospheric models.

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  2. Global Warming: Cuts in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Would Save Arctic Ice, Reduce S

    Global warming: Cuts in greenhouse gas emissions would save Arctic ice, reduce sea level rise

    The threat of global warming can still be greatly diminished if nations cut emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases by 70 percent this century, according to a new analysis.

    • Climate

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  3. Tornado warnings and public response

    The 2008 Super Tuesday tornado outbreak swept through several southern states and the lower Ohio Valley, killing 57 people. NCAR scientist Julie Demuth helped the National Weather Service assess the societal impacts of the deadly storms.

    • Weather

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  4. James Hensen

    Renowned climate expert James Hansen to deliver April 9 lecture

    As part of its Walter Orr Roberts Distinguished Lecture series, UCAR will present a special lecture next week by NASA scientist James E. Hansen, one of the nation's most respected experts on climate change.

    • Education + Outreach

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  5. Geoffrey Tyndall working in his lab.

    Spying on molecules in motion

    Geoffrey Tyndall, NCAR's Atmospheric Chemistry Division • As a physical chemist, Tyndall likes "quantifying things, putting numbers on them—how fast does this go, and why is this reaction faster than that one?"

    • Air Quality

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