A cool setting for hurricane births
Research may shed light on why some clusters of thunderstorms spin up into tropical storms while others dissipate.
- Weather
NCAR "STEPs" up rain, flood research
Scientists are running several computer models simultaneously to provide more accurate short-term forecasts of heavy rainfall, flash floods.
- Data,
- Weather
Revealing Europe's winter weather history
The research could move scientists closer toward projecting weather patterns in Europe months to years in advance.
- Climate,
- Weather
Picturing the forecast: National Weather Service graphics developed with NCAR research
Introduced by the NWS this summer, the graphics draw on research by a team of risk communication experts at NCAR.
- Weather
Storm-proven forecasting gets yearlong trial
NCAR scientists are generating daily, high-resolution ensemble forecasts for the continental U.S. and making them available online.
- Supercomputing,
- Weather