A heads up on air quality
NCAR and its research partners have received a $1.3 million NASA grant to develop the capability for detailed 48-hour forecasts of ground-level ozone and fine particulate matter.
- Air Quality
Cold facts of air pollution
A major field project in the Eastern United States, supported by NCAR, seeks to better understand air pollution during winter.
- Air Quality
Not just rain: thunderstorms also pour down ozone
Scientists find unequivocal evidence that thunderstorms move ozone from the stratosphere down toward Earth's surface, affecting air quality and climate.
- Climate,
- Air Quality
Chlorine makes a comeback
A circulation change has boosted concentrations of hydrogen chloride (HCl), the main reservoir of chlorine in the stratosphere, by several percent over much of the Northern Hemisphere since 2007.
- Air Quality
Where's the atmosphere's self-cleaning power?
In a surprising finding, a research team concludes that the dominant "detergent" in the atmosphere is equally abundant in the northern and southern hemispheres.
- Air Quality