Decades of data on world's oceans reveal a troubling oxygen decline
A new analysis has found that the amount of dissolved oxygen contained in the water – an important measure of ocean health – has been declining for more than 20 years.
- Climate
Raising forecasting skills in Africa and beyond
For two decades now, the African Satellite Meteorology Education & Training Project, or ASMET, co-managed by UCAR, has helped fill the gaps by providing training to African forecasters on how to use satellite data to improve weather forecasts.
- Education + Outreach
NCAR to develop advanced wind and solar energy forecasting system for Kuwait
Expanding its work in renewable energy, the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is launching a three-year project to develop specialized forecasts for a major wind and solar energy facility in Kuwait.
- Weather
Promoting diversity in high-performance computing
Since 2014, NCAR has been using Raspberry Pi to teach "hot" computing skills to university students who are underrepresented in the sciences.
- Education + Outreach,
- Supercomputing
Capturing a detailed portrait of wind
NCAR is partnering with colleagues in Europe and the United States on a field project in Portugal, called Perdigão, that will measure wind at an unprecedented resolution, both in time and space.