Promoting diversity in high-performance computing
Since 2014, NCAR has been using Raspberry Pi to teach "hot" computing skills to university students who are underrepresented in the sciences.
- Education + Outreach,
- Supercomputing
Capturing a detailed portrait of wind
NCAR is partnering with colleagues in Europe and the United States on a field project in Portugal, called Perdigão, that will measure wind at an unprecedented resolution, both in time and space.
NCAR to host Air Quality Open House on May 3 in Boulder
NCAR is marking Air Quality Awareness Week with a family-friendly open house at its Mesa Lab in southwest Boulder from 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3.
- Air Quality
Building roads to match tomorrow's weather
When engineers design roads, bridges, and other types of transportation infrastructure, they need to account for changing weather patterns.
- Climate
Drones need aviation forecasts, too
NCAR, long a trusted provider of critical weather information to the aviation industry, is beginning to lend its expertise to the UAS community as well.
- Weather