NCAR scientists receive major honors
Two NCAR senior scientists are being recognized by the American Geophysical Union for their work on research and communication.
New director of NCAR announced
James Hurrell, an associate director and senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, has been named the center’s new director.
Long-range tornado prediction: Is it feasible?
Just as forecasters now peg the odds of a busy Atlantic hurricane season months in advance, we might soon have outlooks that assess the risk of an active tornado season weeks or even months ahead of time.
- Weather
NWSC named "Green" Data Center of the Year
The NWSC received top honors in a category that recognizes the reality of designing and operating data centers in the context of environmental scrutiny.
- Supercomputing
Drought and tourism
Drier ski slopes, reduced river flows, and increased wildfires can potentially discourage tourists from coming to Colorado. Should local officials and business leaders do more to plan for these impacts?
- Climate