Emily CoBabe-Ammann to head UCAR Community Programs
Emily CoBabe-Ammann, an experienced manager and strategist in science and education programs, is the new director of UCAR Community Programs effective April 15.
Yellowstone supercomputer delivers early results
A diversity of science by researchers at NCAR and across the university community is emerging from the new system.
First Place: NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center Recognized for Outstanding Design Implementation
NCAR has won international recognition for its sustainable approach in designing and building the NWSC.
- Supercomputing
UCAR opens Washington office for advocacy and business development
The new office will advocate for UCAR's member universities and also seek business opportunities with companies and foundations.
Small volcanoes make big impact on climate
A new study by an NCAR researcher shows that small- to moderate-size volcanoes have helped slow down warming over the last decade, while industrial emissions of Sun-blocking sulfur dioxide over Asia have contributed relatively little to the slowdown.
- Climate,
- Air Quality