1. GFDL forecast depicting of Hurricane Sandy inland near Philadelphia

    A more perfect storm

    Hurricane Sandy may pummel the mid-Atlantic coast early next week, possibly carving out multiple niches in U.S. weather history while producing what could easily be billions of dollars in damage.

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  2. NCAR’s Super Science Saturday - the Day to Explore Wild Weather

    Students, parents, and teachers are invited to enjoy hands-on science and Halloween fun, activities, workshops, and presentations.

    • Education + Outreach

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  3. Extracting clues from solar cavities

    New observations of the magnetic field on the Sun are providing an unprecedented glimpse into solar eruptions that have serious impacts on Earth.

    • Sun + Space Weather

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  4. View of the NWSC building from the entry drive

    NCAR-Wyoming Supercomputing Center opens

    The NWSC, which houses one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers dedicated to the geosciences, officially opened in October, as scientists at NCAR and universities across the country launched a series of initial scientific projects on the center’s flagship supercomputer, called Yellowstone.

    • Supercomputing

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