The weather year in review: a sneak preview
Though we’re still more than two weeks from the end of 2012, it’s not too soon to get a sense of how the year will go down in meteorological annals. Some of the signals from January to November are so strong that December won’t change the outcome.
- Climate,
- Weather
New system for aircraft forecasts potential storm hazards over oceans
The new system provides 8-hour forecasts of potentially dangerous atmospheric conditions over remote ocean regions
- Weather
New supercomputer in Wyoming aids Antarctic safety
The new Erebus supercomputer will lead to improved Antarctic forecasts.
- Supercomputing
Google and the flu
What if we could use the data from fevered searches for flu information on the Web, plus humidity observations, to help predict the course of an outbreak? If new research lives up to its promise, we’ll soon be able to do just that.
- Data
Flu outbreaks predicted with weather forecast techniques
By predicting the timing and severity of flu outbreaks, the new system can eventually help society better prepare for them.